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Mastering the Referral Process
Building a successful referral network requires focus, strategy, and commitment. Referrals are the lifeblood of any professional...
Maximizing the Referral Opportunity
While the primary purpose of joining Professional Referral Exchange (PRE) is to receive qualified business referrals, it’s important to...
Category Overlap Within PRE
The strength of Professional Referral Exchange (PRE) lies in its foundation of teamwork and mutual support. By encouraging and uplifting...
Defining a Qualified Referral in PRE
On the surface, understanding the definition of a qualified referral is simple. “The person you are referred to is expecting your call.”...
Becoming a Better PRE Member: The Key to Networking Success
Your success in any networking group is directly tied to how actively you support your fellow members. The more business you refer, the...
Prepare Your Guest for a Successful PRE Meeting
Inviting a guest to a PRE meeting is an excellent way to grow the chapter and showcase its value, but ensuring they have a positive and...
Mastering the Guest Follow-Up Process
After a meeting, your approach to a guest can make a significant difference in their perception of the group and their likelihood of...
Effectively Invite Guests and Recruit for Your Chapter
Have you ever invited someone to visit your group’s meetings, only to hear them say, “No thanks, that’s not for me”? It’s a common...
Best Practices to Promote Your Chapter In Person
In-person interactions remain one of the most powerful ways to grow your chapter and strengthen member connections. Promote your chapter...
Best Practices to Promote Your Chapter Online
Building an online presence is essential for growing and showcasing your chapter. These effective strategies will help you promote your...
10 Minutes a Day with PRE
Maximizing your membership with Professional Referral Exchange (PRE) doesn’t require hours and of effort. Instead, it’s about building...
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