Maximizing the Referral Opportunity

It is important that you take time to reflect on the primary purpose for participating in Professional Referral Exchange:

To receive qualified business referrals. While we look to others to provide us with these, bear in mind that we each are ultimately responsible for generating our own qualified business referrals. In other words, we each must present ourselves in a manner that will maximize the chance that others will refer our product or service. Here are some ideas for accomplishing this:

Be Specific: Provide your fellow members with simple, concrete examples of how your product or service can benefit potential clients or customers.

Distribute Brochures and Handouts: Supply members with materials that will assist them in understanding your product or service.

Act On Referrals: Keep the referrals flowing by promptly servicing the ones you receive.

Give Without Expectation: One truism about networking is ‘givers receive’ and we can get everything in life we want when we help enough other people get what they want.

Maintain Consistent Attendance: This ensures that you remain in the minds of your fellow members. Always plan to be in attendance the week after you are the scheduled member speaker.

Come Early, Stay Late: The time before and after meetings provides an opportunity to develop one-on-one relationships with each other.

Associate Outside the Meeting: Occasional telephone calls, informal luncheons, and joint client meetings are great for solidifying relationships with your fellow members. We urge you to consistently do one on ones with each of your fellow members once a year or more.

Get Involved With the Chapter: Serving as an Officer or Committee Chair increases exposure within your Chapter.

Make the Most of Your Presentation: Use your Speaker time as a tool to give your Chapter members a better understanding of your product or service as well as specific examples of the clients/customers you have now and are seeking.

Patience. Patience. Patience: Strong, long-term networking relationships are forged over months and years of interaction (not weeks).

In summary, your Chapter will continue to grow and produce results because you are focused on making it successful and guests will want to be part of your success.