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Best Practices to Promote Your Chapter Online

Building an online presence is essential for growing and showcasing your chapter. These effective strategies will help you promote your chapter on social media and other digital platforms.

Professional Referral Exchange member at a Philly coffee shop posting on social media

Announce New Members

Celebrate new members with a dedicated social media post. Include their logo, contact information, and the category they represent. Emphasize that they are now your chapter's exclusive referral agent for their field. This introduces the new member and showcases the value of joining PRE to your audience.

Share Pictures and Videos from Meetings and Events

Visual content is key to engagement. Post photos or short videos from meetings and events, focusing on member interactions and activities. These posts make your chapter feel approachable and vibrant, helping potential members see the value of involvement.

Highlight Educational Content

If a member shares a blog post, article, or video about their industry, repurpose it for your social media platforms. Pair it with a graphic or a short caption that showcases their expertise and the mutual growth opportunities your chapter fosters.

Create and Share Events on Facebook and Meetup

Use platforms like Facebook and Meetup to create and promote chapter events. These platforms automatically notify users when a new event is created, providing free advertising for your group. Encourage members to RSVP and share the events to maximize visibility.

Celebrate Member Successes

When a member receives an award, reaches a milestone, or achieves a notable success, highlight it on social media. Testimonials and stories about how PRE has helped their business grow are particularly powerful in building trust and inspiring potential new members.

Encourage Members to Engage

Encourage chapter members to share posts from your publicity chair on their own business and personal pages. Their networks are an untapped resource for growing awareness about your chapter and its benefits.

Join Regional Business Groups Online

Search for regional business advertising groups on platforms like Facebook. Many of these groups allow members to post about their businesses or community organizations for free. Following the group rules ensures consistent exposure for your chapter.

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