Refer also to Article 6, Section 11 in the Organization By-Laws.

An Absence will be considered Excused under the following criteria:
Death in the family
Inclement Weather
Unforeseen Circumstances: Childcare, transportation, etc.
** A member will be considered absent, either excused or unexcused depending on the circumstance, in the event that they attend a meeting but leave before or during the speaker(s) presentation(s). When a member is absent during speaker presentation(s) they miss the opportunity to learn about the speaker(s) products and services and therefore can not effectively work as the speaker(s) “sales force” and provide referrals.
** In the event that a member leaves the meeting, for any reason (other than emergency) prior to adjournment, member is subject to the $1.00 “Leaving Meeting Early” Professional Fee depending on the chapter. Not all chapters use this model.