Why Professional Referral Exchange
Business Networking Leads to Profitable Business Experiences
The idea of business networking, as practiced by members of Professional Referral Exchange, is an improvement on other organizations that suggest networking. It is based on a systematic practice of specific skills which raises networking to a fine art. Essentially, we assist each person to succeed by having them follow a plan and by repeating that plan over time. This instills a philosophy of business and even a way of life that all but guarantees an enjoyable and potentially profitable business experience.
PRE versus Local Chamber of Commerce
Unlike your local Chamber of Commerce, we allow only one business category in each Chapter. This means that you will not be competing with other companies in your industry. Instead of “after hours” business card exchange events, we focus exclusively on your business and seek opportunities to give you referrals. Business card exchanges only give you an opportunity to “get acquainted;” people, however, do not “do business” with your business card. Within the structure of Professional Referral Exchange, we incorporate the elements needed to build strong ongoing relationships for your success. We ask our members to give a minimum of two referrals monthly which is consistent with our purpose.
PRE versus Service Clubs
In service clubs like Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis, the primary focus is to be of service to your community. Although many businesses have realized increased sales as a secondary benefit from these organizations, Professional Referral Exchange concentrates exclusively on generating referrals within its’ membership.
Increase Your Business via KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST
We know the importance of getting to know, like, and trust our members; so everything we do is driven by that concept. We come to know you because you are scheduled regularly to present information about your business. We grow to like you because we meet weekly and visit with you. We learn to trust you when we give you a referral and you handle it well.
Structured Business Networking
Structured business networking is a successful method, when consistently practiced by Chapter members, that enhances “word of mouth” advertising for increased sales.
Professional Referral Exchange is an organization of committed business associates, one in each business category who know, like and trust each other. We serve as each other’s sales force for the mutual benefit of all.
Our vision is to create thriving communities of like-minded business and professional people who understand giving first leads to receiving in return.
Professional Referral Exchange is a relationship driven organization with a proven business model that promotes the success of every member.